I have been having continual issues with a really slow IMAP handshake (uwash) that times out (~40 secs) in t-bird mac v2* and now after the latest update, my iPhone. The scenario is this: If I am on the LAN (wireless router connected to the same switch as the server) the connection occurs relatively quickly (sub 5 secs) and then the sync happens rather quickly. Once I move out of the LAN and move out into the world somewhere, the connection handshake time goes up to ~60 secs. IMAP is the only protocol that does this. Check my website (www.terranovum.com) and you will see it is a speedy connection. I can send email through SMTP just fine as well. I use imaps but I have verified that ssl is not the issue. Nor is a firewall because I have none on the switch and the wireless lan is firewalled as is any WAN traffic. Does anyone have a clue as to where this problem originates or where I should be looking at to find the problem?


*The very latest revision actually times out the handshake when you first fire up the client but if you hit check mail it will eventually handshake. As above, the connection is them sufficiently speedy.

relevant stats: mdk 2007, fully patched, x86, fixed IP, fast business level cable connection

PS: on WAN connections Once (and if) the handshake happens, the connection is fast. I use Apple Mail regularly and it does connect eventually, and then it is fine. The new iphone rev and tbird just don't connect when used over the wan connection.
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