On Sun, 16 Sep 2007, John Kelly wrote:
But I noticed LSUB does not show \NoInferiors for my Sent and Trash
folders, like LIST does.

That's correct. LSUB in UW imapd in UW imapd only shows \NoInferiors for INBOX. It only shows \NoSelect when a % wildcard matches a subscribed name at a higher level.

Note the following text in RFC 3501, section 6.3.9:

      The returned untagged LSUB response MAY contain different mailbox
      flags from a LIST untagged response.  If this should happen, the
      flags in the untagged LIST are considered more authoritative.

      A special situation occurs when using LSUB with the % wildcard.
      Consider what happens if "foo/bar" (with a hierarchy delimiter of
      "/") is subscribed but "foo" is not.  A "%" wildcard to LSUB must
      return foo, not foo/bar, in the LSUB response, and it MUST be
      flagged with the \Noselect attribute.

Many people misunderstand what LSUB does. A name returned by LSUB does not necessarily even exist! The IMAP subscription facility is best thought of as being equivalent to bookmarks in a web browser.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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