On Sun, 16 Sep 2007, Mark Crispin wrote:

UW and CMU adopted very different models on how to do scaling to very large communities. UW uses a DNS-based solution; Cyrus has a facility they call Murder. Either one is FAR preferable to NFS. UW's solution is more general as it can be applied to any IMAP server including Cyrus (and for that matter to other protocols as well); Murder is more elegant within the Cyrus infrastructure.

While I agree just about everything that Mark has to say about NFS (been there, done that, got the T-shirt as well), it is probably worth pointing out that the Cyrus Murder is just a (very clever) IMAP proxy.

Other, generic, IMAP proxies can be used with the UW server.

Perdition is popular:


Fastmail.fm, probably the largest single IMAP service provider that exists, use nginx to front their Cyrus cluster:


David Carter                             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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