It is not specific to mix; every mailbox format in UW imapd refuses to allow deletion of a selected mailbox, or at least is supposed to do so. The code does not attempt to handle a mailbox vanishing while it is selected.

Since it depends upon locking, it is possible/probable that it isn't enforced on an NFS-mounted traditional UNIX mailbox; but anyone who has that kind of configuration has a lot more problems than just this. ;-)

It's not so much "obvious" (much less "too obvious to mention") but a matter of "what does it mean?" A server can always say NO to a CREATE, DELETE, or RENAME command for any reason that seems good to it.

For what it's worth, in terms of files most (but not all!) variants of UNIX allow deleting an open file, but Windows does not. Operating systems of the past had similar "yes you can"/"no you can't". So programmers have learned that they can't assume that they can delete an open file.

On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Andrew Daviel wrote:
Is it specific to MIX ? Or whether the "dual use" flag is set in Thunderbird ? I did not try that, just verified that I could not delete an empty folder.
RFC 3501 says that a SELECT does an implicit CLOSE, but doesn't mention
DELETE or say that a mailbox must be closed before deletion, so I guess it is one of those implementation dependant things (or "of course
it should be closed first. it's too obvious to mention" ..)

-- Mark --
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Si vis pacem, para bellum.
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