On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Gary Casterline wrote:
I'm keen on this thread. Not much help to offer, but a question that seems to fit -- Has anyone tried to use a postfix 'per-user' delivery agent to test deployment of mix format INBOX to a few folks at a time? If I could figure out a way to do a few users at a time, I'd be more apt to get the transition from mbox to mix done! Or is it an all or nothing proposition?

That's the whole point of the default behavior.

If you recompile with mix as the CREATEPROTO, then everybody is forced to use mix.

If you don't recompile with mix as the CREATEPROTO, then mail is delivered to the traditional UNIX mailbox (the mail spool) *unless* there is a mix INBOX (or mbx INBOX, etc.)

At least, that is the way that it is supposed to work, and normally does work. The original poster claims that it is not, and we're trying to track down why that is happening. It is undoubtably some environmental issue that he hasn't mentioned.

One thing that people frequently forget is that any tweak in the c-client library impacts *all* c-client based applications. More than once, a "tmail bug" turned out to be caused by something (e.g., /etc/c-client.cf) that was intended to affect imapd.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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