Title: Untitled Document

We actually build two versions of imap - the production version with a shared library with restrictbox and a also set of statically linked admin tools without restrictbox set. This allows us to perform admin functions such as the ones you are describing and at the same time, limits our customers access when they access our systems.

Mark Crispin wrote:
Tom -

You aren't missing anything.  restrictBox is implemented in a very paranoid fashion, and almost certainly can be relaxed safely.

In designing the distribution rules for restrictBox, I didn't go by "what is unsafe"; I went by "what might under some set of circumstances (that I don't necessarily even know about) be unsafe."  The whole idea being that I don't have to deal with some security alert because restrictBox failed to check for something.  Arguably, I should go further and prohibit "%" under restrictBox as well... ;-)

We don't use restrictBox here.

On Thu, 8 May 2008, Tom Leach wrote:
I need to ease the folder name restrictions imposed by restrictBox in mailboxfile() but I have a couple of questions.  First off, I have restrictBox set to -1 so all flags are set.
Does the restriction of "//" have any meaning if we're not using Samba on a Linux system?  I'm trying to see where that would be a path security problem but I just don't see an issue unless it could be a cifs one.
Second, we're moving from mbox to mix and an older (non-restrictBox set) uw_imapd, and I have some people with .. in their folder names.  The restriction of ".." is preventing me from converting those boxes (and the use of them by the owners) so i was thinking of changing
strstr (name,"..") to strstr (name,"/..") || strstr (name,"../") but I wanted opinions on what cases I was missing.  I've tried tossing in %2f to see if that would be parsed as a / but so far, it's always be literal (foo%2f..%2fbar instead of foo/../bar).
So, opinions on what I'm missing???
Tom Leach
Imap-uw mailing list

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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Bob Atkins  

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