The right way is to use tmail and/or dmail for delivery.

I regret ever putting in code into mbx format that accounts for the spool
in STATUS.  My punishment for this ill-considered effort to be helpful was
bug reports from individuals who were upset that spool messages did
not show up in EXAMINE of a mix INBOX.  Snarfing is a write operation;
the whole point of EXAMINE is to be strictly read-only.

I learned the lesson and did not repeat that mistake in mix.

If you choose to copy the code from mbx into mix, it may "work" for you;
that is, until you get someone who complains about EXAMINE.  Oh, and
there's other issues having to do with UIDs; the mbx STATUS code makes
a guess since it does not (can not) actually know the real results when a
snarf does happen.

There is just no way to do snarfing in a perfectly transparent fashion.
Snarfing is best seen as a short-term interim measure for transition
prior to the deployment of tmail and/or dmail for delivery; and as such
is somewhat kludgy and clanky.

The good news is that dmail and tmail work quite well with traditional
UNIX mailbox files.  You have to build with CREATEPROTO=mixproto to
force the creation of mix-format INBOX; otherwise it will deliver to the
spool file for a user who does not have a mix-format INBOX (of course
it will deliver to the mix-format INBOX if it exists).

-- Mark --
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.

> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:52:05 -0700
> To:
> Subject: [Imap-uw] mix format doesn't check sysinbox for status
> we recently noticed that squirrelmail wasn't seeing new messages after
> users were converted to mix. tracking down what is going on, i see that
> squirrelmail sends a status command and under mix, that doesn't take the
> system spool into account. the mbx driver has code to count both on a
> status.
> is this an oversight? it looks like we could probably copy the logic of
> mbx_status and turn it into mix_status. or is the "right way" to use
> tmail for delivery?
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