I think that the key is that you are using traditional UNIX format for your Drafts mailbox. This format does not allow multiple simultaneous access; that is not required by IMAP but the authors of Thunderbird assume otherwise.

The other player in this is UIDPLUS. UIDPLUS is another "optional" feature which was made mandatory by poorly-written clients. UIDPLUS is damn hard to implement in traditional UNIX format and pretty much impossible to implement efficiently AND reliably in that format. That is why I held off on doing it for so long.

In older versions of imap-2006, there was an attempt to make UIDPLUS do an educated guess in traditional UNIX format (sacrificing some reliability for efficiency). That didn't work out, and was replaced by the rigorous code that is there now (more reliable, but much less efficient).

This probably tipped the balance for deletions in your Drafts mailbox. The problem is basically a timing race which is now being lost.

The important thing to understand here is that it didn't really "work" before, but you got results that looked like it worked. Traditional UNIX mailbox format can not be subjected to multiple simultaneous access, and the client must behave in other ways (including proper mailbox closing). Pine and Alpine are pretty unique in being clients that behave; most do not.

The fix is to use a better format -- preferably mix -- for your Drafts
mailbox. Mix (and to a lesser extent mbx) is FAR more tolerant of client misbehavior.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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