Hi All
Has anyone experience of or suggestions on limiting the number of imap sessions or rate rof connections on a per user and/or IP client address bases.

I am planning an overhaul of our email infrastructure and would like to include connection and rate limiting if possible.

We have occasionally had problems with email clients opening a large number of sessions and/or bombarding the server with connections requests. These are usually the Apple email client or ThunderBird. The number of session was far grater then the maximum number of session to cache set in ThunderBird. Most of the time everything is fine, however just occasionally, possibly when the server is a little loaded, some of the clients launch what is effectively a denial of service attach on the imap server. It would be nice to be able to automatically throttle these problems users/clients before they degrade the service for everyone else.

Unless I have missed something xinetd doesn’t seem have the required granularity for this task. If I apply suitable limits fro desktop clients it breaks the webmail service. If I set the limits suitable fro webmail then it will do little to restrict rogue desktop clients.

ImapProxy (http://www.imapproxy.org/download.html) will be useful to reduce the load on the server from the webmail services.

The Perdition Mail Retrieval Proxy (http://www.vergenet.net/linux/perdition/docs.shtml) looks useful and I will probably be using it in the new system. But again unless I have missed something, doesn’t seem to offer any way to throttle badly behaved clients.

Is there anything I have missed?

All the best

Richard Westlake

School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX
Tel: +44 (0)20-7631-6859
               Truth endures but spelling changes    --  Anon.
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