How can a client determine BODY.size.bytes prior to uploading the message to 
the server?  We are attempting to write a client such that the client will know 
the size of BODY (in bytes) as it will appear on the server.  Once the message 
has been uploaded to the server, determining the size is simple, i.e.:

BODY * body;
mail_fetchstructure(stream, msgno, &body)
printf("%u", body->size.bytes);

However, we have not been able to find any one value or combination of values 
the client has access to locally that will equal size.bytes, as demonstrated in 
the above code.  How does the server determine the size of the body?  Is there 
any way a client can calculate that value locally, so that the size on the 
server will be known before actually uploading to the server?


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