Pardon the weird title, but I have a weird situation.

We use procmail for mail delivery via dmail, but historically did not trust users not to mangle procmailrc and lose their mail. So we have some templates, like "all mail in INBOX", and "file spam in Junk", with user's .procmailrc a symbolic link to the template, which belongs to root.

A little while ago I screwed up while changing a user UID, and accidentally changed the ownership of the template.
Later I found syslog entries like
  procmail[3774]: Suspicious rcfile "/home/foo/.procmailrc"
and realized that user's rcfiles that used that template were not being used (except for "foo"). But there was no outcry of missing mail - only one user noticed that tagged spam was getting in his inbox instead of being filtered to Junk. It seems that procmail reverted to delivering mail to /var/spool/mail/foo. However, when imapd ran in response to a user client, the messages were magically copied across back to /home/foo/INBOX (a mix folder)

This is a nice feature to have, as it turns out, but I had no idea that it existed. Is it a design feature ? Can I trust it ?

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
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