Some options for more troubleshooting:

Activate, and look at Thunderbird IMAP logs to see if you can determine
the problem.

If that doesn't shed any light:  From another machine, use openssl
s_client to connect to the imaps port, and attempt to login manually
over IMAP.  (openssl can also do STARTTLS with -starttls imap) 

Typically I will log in with:

 * OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 blah blah blah ...]
 a LOGIN username1 password1
 a OK [CABAPILITY IMAP4rev1 blah blah blah ...] User username1 logged in.
 * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen)
 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen] Flags permitted.
 * 9111 EXISTS
 * OK [UNSEEN 1348] First unseen.
 b OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed.

Hopefully one of these will give you some ideas as to what is wrong...


On 10/03/2012 10:53 AM, Kevin Carpenter wrote:
> OK - after a few hours sleep... I'm wondering if its uw-imap at all,
> although I'm clueless what else it could be.
> As I mentioned earlier, squirrelmail is working fine.  It is using a
> ssl/tls connection, which shows as an imaps connection spawned by
> xinetd.  That connection, however, is from Thunderbird is
> connection from (depending on which family members
> machine is trying).  We also see imaps being started via xinetd for
> those connection, but they timeout after 30 seconds.
> This was occurring before I enabled any firewalling and yes, xinetd is
> enabled for my 10. subnet (clearing, since imaps is spawning).
> So... when I login from squirrelmail I see in /var/log/mail.log:
> imapd[2911]: Login user=kevinc host=localhost.localdomain []
> imapd[2911]: Logout user=kevinc host=localhost.localdomain []
> and in /var/log/messages:
> xinetd[2739]: START: imaps pid=2911 from=
> xinetd[2739]: EXIT: imaps status=0 pid=2911 duration=13(sec)
> When I try, and fail, from Thunderbird I see in /var/log/mail.log:
>  imapd[2919]: Unexpected client disconnect, while reading line
> user=??? host=UNKNOWN
> and in /var/log/messages:
> xinetd[2739]: START: imaps pid=2919 from=
> xinetd[2739]: EXIT: imaps status=1 pid=2919 duration=30(sec)
> Please share your thoughts... I'm at my wits end.
> For instance:  is there anyway to increase the logging level within
> uw-imap to help determine whats going on?
> Thanks in advance,
> Kevin
> On 10/3/2012 3:59 AM, Yiorgos Adamopoulos wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Kevin Carpenter
>> <> wrote:
>>> Basically, its looking like its connecting but not hand shaking right.
>> If you tcpdump and it only does the three way hand shake and then it
>> waits "forever" (until timeout) then it is most likely a TCP window
>> scaling issue. Check your MTUs also and set it to 500 just in case.
>> The weirdest of this behavir has happened to me among two servers on
>> the same switch where everything was working except sqlplus between
>> them.
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