While doing a mailutil transfer I got the warnings in the subject.  As before, 
I'm wondering if anything has been lost or mangled.  The entire transfer has 
now completed and the resulting (cyrus) spool is noticeably smaller than a 
corresponding maildir (df shows 5.0G cyrus vs 5.9G maildir, though that is ext2 
vs reiser).

Looking at the spool, it  appears the messages in the folders under INBOX were 
transferred, but the messages in INBOX were not.  Is that expected?  Is 
mailutil append an appropriate corrective?

Here are some fuller logs with system names obscured, * at front of warning 
line.  The OK NNNN messages after the warning certainly look as if the copy 
completed OK:

Copying {xxx.com:993/imap/notls/ssl/novalidate-cert/user="ross"}INBOX.project
  => {wheezy4.psg.net:143/imap/user="ross"}INBOX.project
[Reusing connection to xxx.com/user="ross"]
[[MYRIGHTS "acdilrsw"] ACL]
[[APPENDUID 1414657847 1] Completed]
[Reusing connection to wheezy4.psg.net/user="ross"]
[[UNSEEN 1] Ok]
[[UIDVALIDITY 1414657847] Ok]
[[HIGHESTMODSEQ 4] Completed]
[[HIGHESTMODSEQ 4] Completed]
# Not sure why the copy line immediately below seems to occur twice.
# Almost same as first copy line, except with a message count.
[1191 message(s)] => {wheezy4.psg.net:143/imap/user="ross"}INBOX.project
***warning: Unexpected characters at end of address: ' 
[[APPENDUID 1414657847 2:1192] Completed]
[Ok 1191 messages(s)]

# 2nd warning
 [256 message(s)] => {wheezy4.psg.net:143/imap/user="ross"}INBOX.Virahep-C
**warning: Invalid mailbox list: ; "Robert Fontana" <rfont...@med.umich.edu>
[[APPENDUID 1414657912 2:257] Completed]
[Ok 256 messages(s)]

The source mailbox is an old courier.

It's certainly true that an email address is not a mailbox list, but it's hard 
to believe that's what's coming back in a mailbox list.

Ross Boylan
Imap-uw mailing list

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