On Apr 23, 2018, 12:30 (-0500) Ken Johnson <kjohn...@eclypse.org> wrote:

> Running uw-imap under Debian 8.  Under Debian 7, failed logins would show up
> in /var/log/auth.log.
> That no longer happens in Debian 8.

Have you checked configuration of syslog, e.g. syslog.conf? imapd sends 
its log messages to syslog, and syslogd will save them into files. Enable 
logging of all facilities into different log files on INFO level to see 
where they go.


| Mats Dufberg                                  m...@dufberg.se |
| Spånga kyrkväg 618                               +46-8-384859 |
| SE-16362 Spånga, Sweden                       +46-70-258 2588 |
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