On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, David Harris wrote:
> This section, and a reading of IMAP-TLS, appears to be saying that an
> IMAP implementation can only be considered compliant if it implements
> SSL (sorry for the old terminology - I'm using it to be specific).

Hi David -

Your fears are correct.  IESG is forcing us to do this.  There are other
options, but the other options are worse.  For example, CRAM-MD5 and its
modern-day successor DIGEST-MD5 are unimplementable on servers which use a
non-plaintext-equivalent password store.  The UNIX password store is such
a store, and I think that the NT password store also gives you no access
to plaintext.  Anyway, you must have access to the password in plaintext
or plaintext equivalent to implement the MD5 stuff.  STARTTLS was the
lessor of two evils.

Fortunately for Windows developers, Microsoft has solved the problem for
us.  Modern versions of Windows have SSL and TLS support in SSPI.  Take a
look at my IMAP toolkit,
paying particular attention to files:
for the pre-Win2K way of doing it, and
for the Win2K, WinMe, and WinXP way of doing it.  The latter is actually
documented by Microsoft, and is preferred unless you're running on Win98
or NT4.

My Windows code is client-only, but it isn't too hard to do server code as
long as you get a certificate installed.  I never went to the effort of
doing it.

Strictly speaking, IESG only requires that you "implement" it, not that it
actually work on every system that runs your software.  You could, for
example, implement it for Win2K/Me/XP and have a runtime test to not do it
on older versions of Windows.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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