On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Pete Maclean wrote:
> >Each OR effectively takes you down a level of nesting.  That is:
> >
> >         OR (FROM "a") OR (FROM "b") OR (FROM "c") (FROM "d")
> >is effectively
> >         OR (FROM "a") (OR (FROM "b") (OR (FROM "c") (FROM "d")))
> I never realized this!  And my server does not handle such a thing
> appropriately.  It makes sense but it never occurred to me.  Is this
> detailed in the spec?  I cannot find any statement that clarifies it.

How does your server not handle it?

In this particular case, an implementation that doesn't nest would return
the same results as one which does.  It's just when you have more complex
expressions that you run up against problems.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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