On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, Dilip Menon wrote:
> Is there a RFC which clearly states the behaviour for multiple mailboxes
> during a SEARCH command with RECENT messages arriving?

Do you mean, "multiple mailboxes" or "multiple sessions open on the same
mailbox"?  I think that you mean the latter.

> The http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-crispin-imapv-17.txt states:
>           "If multiple connections have the same mailbox selected
>            simultaneously, it is undefined which of these connections
>            will see newly-arrived messages with \Recent set and which
>            will see it without \Recent set."
> So is it left to the servers implementation?


> I did find a mail-server which shows the RECENT flag set in both the
> selected sessions, when SEARCH commands are issued from both sessions.
> So, I guess this should also be acceptable?

This is not ideal behavior, but it is acceptable.  It means that both
sessions saw the recent messages simultaneously, so each session thought
that it was the first session to have seen them.  Normally, once a session
sees a recent message, it is supposed to mark the message so that other
sessions do not see the message as recent.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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