On Thu, 7 Nov 2002 05:45:49 -0800 , SIDWALL,GRANT (HP-Canada,ex1) wrote:
> The customer states that they are using IMAP4.4, and c-client 4.7c2.

This sounds like VERY OLD versions of UW imapd, with known security issues.
It should be upgraded immediately, and that old version not installed on any
new systems.

The current version of UW imapd is always available on:

This is a source code distribution.  UW imapd is free software, freer than

c-client is a library that is an integral part of UW imapd, UW ipop3d, Pine,
PC Pine, and other programs.  It is not a standalone program.

The version of UW imapd can be determined by running the imapd binary on the
shell.  You will see "* PREAUTH" followed by a list of capabilities and other
information.  Buried in that you'll see something like "IMAP4rev1 2002.330".
In this example, that means that it is from UW imapd version 2002, minor
version 330.

-- Mark --

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