I have taken a look in the archives, but it's a bit of a difficult query to phrase, 
and I may have missed something.  If so, sorry.

I have compiled wu-imap-2002 on a Solaris 8 machine using make gso and transferred the 
files imapd, ipop2d and ipop3d to /usr/local/sbin.  inetd.conf is configured and inetd 

When I now try to connect to the mailbox I get the error message above.  Here is a 
copy of a direct connection to the machine:

root@jwilde-solaris# /usr/local/sbin/ipop3d
+OK POP3 jwilde-solaris.glocalnet.com v2001.80 server ready
USER james
-ERR Unknown AUTHORIZATION state command

All help gratefully received.  TIA


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