On Fri, 06 Dec 2002 11:15:07 -0500, Pete Maclean wrote:
> If my analysis is correct, the non-obvious reason is that the client gets
> unhappy if it fails to obtain certain tagged responses in single read/recv
> chunks.  Which effectively means that it expects said responses to be
> delivered in single packets.  Now it clearly seems a good idea for
> efficiency that a server try to arrange things so that a tagged response is
> sent as one packet.  But surely it cannot be right for a client to expect
> that?

It is certainly not right.  A client should read a line from the server, where
"line" is defined as "arbitrarily long sequence of octets ending with CR LF",
unless it is reading a literal, in which case it is reading a precise number
of octets without regard to CR LF.

A line can certainly be much longer than a packet.

What client has the problem?

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