Hi all,
I have setup Postfix + ipop3d servers on a Redhat 7.3 box. Postfix is working fine - it delivers mail to the outside world and to the internal network fine, and it picks up mail from the outside world and the internal network and puts them in the appropriate mailboxes. I have one major problem, however, and that is that when I connect via pop to the server, I am unable to retrieve messages. It connects fine (authenticates user etc.), however it then tells me that there are no new messages. This is not what I want, especially when I know that there's messages there! I'm using user mailbox format (/var/spool/mail/username) mailboxes, rather than home directory mail dirs.
I'm sure that there's just some tiny little setting that I have missed somwhere along the line that is restricting this from working. If you could please help me get it sorted out ASAP I would be much appreciated! This problem was supposed to be fixed several days ago and I have not been able to find much documentation on the Internet.
Thanks in advance,
Tom Anderson

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