
Have you discovered an answer to your problem?

Here's something that I've set up which sounds kind of like what you are
trying to do.

I'm running the UW imap server with the default setup.

Separately, I'm running fetchmail to get my mail from a couple ISP POP
accounts, and use the "tmail" program from the imap utilities to inject the
mail into my imap server.

Here's an edited version of my ~/.fetchmailrc:
set logfile /var/log/fetchmail.log
set invisible
set no bouncemail

protocol POP3
username abackus
password sesame
mda "/usr/local/bin/tmail %T"

protocol POP3
username a_backus
password pass
mda "/usr/local/bin/tmail %T"

I suppose if you want separate folders for each ISP, you could do something
like this in the "mda" line:
mda "/usr/local/bin/tmail %T+The_ISP_Name"
In this case, the mail will be injected into your user account in the folder

I'm not yet familiar with spamassasin, but recently I started using procmail
to do filtering and sorting on my mail.  I just slipped this "layer" between
fetchmail and imap's tmail, so that my fetchmailrc calls procmail instead of
tmail, then in my procmail filters, it invokes the appropriate tmail command
line to inject into the appropriate imap mailbox.

Hope this makes sense :)


----- Original Message -----
> Hi, is it possible to trigger an action, on my mail machine, when
> a user "checks mail".  I want to invoke fetchmail to collect mail
> from several imap/popmail servers.
> Yes I could configure the client (Outlook Express) to talk to all
> the servers, but I want to run spamassasin on all the mail.  The
> spam would then be dropped into spam folders.

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