On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Rick Updegrove wrote:
> Does wu-imap support ACL (Access Contol Lists)?

Presumably you mean UW imapd.  UW is the University of Washington in
Seattle; WU is Washington University in St. Louis.

UW imapd does not support RFC 2086 ACL.  It is not technically possible to
support UNIX filesystem access controls via RFC 2086 in a useful way.

There is a replacement specification to RFC 2086, called ACL2, in progress
in the IETF IMAP Extensions Working Group (IMAPEXT).  ACL2 is supposed to
fix the technical problems of RFC 2086, and it is intended that UW imapd
will support ACL2 once ACL2 is finalized.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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