On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Mark Champion wrote:
> > I understand that message UID order is somehow mixed up, but I don't
> > know how to fix it.

You can't fix it.  All you can do is prevent it from happening again.

You are almost certainly using traditional UNIX mailbox format.

Something other than [imapd | ipop3d | pine | other program based upon the
c-client library] is manipulating your mailbox file(s).  In the error
message that you reported, the 186th message has a UID of 361.  This is
reasonable, except that the mailbox metadata reports that the highest
assigned UID in the mailbox is 189.

The c-client library always updates the "highest assigned UID" when
adding a message with a UID.  Consequently, something else put that
message there.

Perhaps you have spam filter software which, after a mailbox has been
opened, goes through the mailbox and copies messages to another mailbox.
If that spam filter is not based upon the c-client library, it may not
know better than to copy the X-UID: header.

The solution is to fix things so that whatever entity is playing with your
mailbox file is forbidden to touch "old messages" which have a UID

If Squirrelmail is accessing your mailbox file directly, see if it can be
made to use POP3 or IMAP instead.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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