I'm writing an entirely read-only IMAP server; it's mainly intended
for serving mailing list archives.  Just like a web archive, it lets
anyone in (PREAUTH greeting), but maintains no per-user persistent
state.  So - how should I handle flags?  My PERMANENTFLAGS set will be
empty.  \Answered, \Deleted, \Draft, and \Flagged will be initially
clear for every message; should I bother making them modifiable for
the current session via STORE, or is a NO response for any STORE
command good enough?  What about \Recent and \Seen - how should they be
set initially, and should they be automatically updated during the

Also, should \Recent be included in the untagged FLAGS response?  The
description of the FLAGS response seems to require it (\Recent is a
system-defined flag), but none of the examples include it.

 For information about this mailing list, and its archives, see: 

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