This is a partial transcript, reported by an Exchange 2003 IMAP server:

-------------------------- Cut here ----------------------------
10:20:25.220 << 0015 A2 LIST "" ""\0D\0A
10:20:25.220 >> 0027 * LIST (\\Noselect) "/" ""\0D\0A
10:20:25.220 >> 0023 A2 OK LIST completed.\0D\0A
10:20:25.230 << 0016 A3 LIST "" "*"\0D\0A
10:20:25.230 >> 0036 * LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Drafts\0D\0A
10:20:25.250 >> 0037 * LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Journal\0D\0A
10:20:25.250 >> 0035 * LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Notes\0D\0A
10:20:25.250 >> 0038 * LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" Contacts\0D\0A
10:20:25.250 >> 0042 * LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "/" "Sent Items"\0D\0A
10:20:25.250 >> 0042 * LIST (\\HasChildren) "/" "Mail Folders"\0D\0A
... [snip]
-------------------------- Cut here ----------------------------

Clearly "\HasChildren" and "\HasNoChildren" are flag extensions, and 
hence must be covered by either an RFC or a standards-track document 
that revises RFC3501 itself (see RFC3501 page 85). Could someone 
please point me at that RFC or standards-track document? Are there any 
other revisions that modify RFC3501?

I appear to have been unsubscribed from this list (possibly as a result of a 
major network outage here a couple of months ago), so please accept my 
apologies if I have missed coverage of these changes.


-- David --

------------------ David Harris -+- Pegasus Mail ----------------------
  Box 5451, Dunedin, New Zealand | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Phone: +64 3 453-6880 | Fax: +64 3 453-6612

Thought for the day:
    If at first you do succeed, try to hide your astonishment.

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