Anyone have any suggestions for how to handle the following?

The server I work on is primarily a voicemail server, although
since it supports both IMAP and SMTP it also supports email.
Historic voicemail UIs disallow forwarding for "private"
messages (which doesn't prevent a determined user from, for
example, re-recording a "private" message).  "Sensitivity:" is
the obvious choice for indicating a message is private in an
IMAP/SMTP universe.  Our customers would like some assurance
(perhaps server configurable) that "private" messages will
not (easily) be forwarded.  Should we:

1) completely disallow IMAP access in configurations where
non-forwarding of private messages is desired?

2) implement some proprietary mechanism by which clients
can indicate they do not allow forwarding of private messages
and allow access to only these clients?

3) implement a generalized "client capability" command by
which a client could indicate an extensible set of abilities,
including at least "I don't forward private messages" (and,
in this case, disallow access to clients not advertising
this capability)?

The ID extension, rfc2971, specifically prohibits servers
from offering differential service based on client identity.


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