On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Mark Crispin wrote:
>On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Perry Ruiter wrote:
>>   What's the typical client reaction when they've done a FETCH ENVELOPE 

>> (for example) and receive a PARSE response code back.  Do they usually 
>> FETCH the entire note and then attempt to deal with the note as best as 

>> possible themselves.  Or what?
>A major client treats the PARSE response as "babble" -- that is, 
>to put in the debug logs to help in identifying "why did this strange 
>thing happen" but otherwise not something that is to be given to a user.
>I certainly hope that a client would not ignore the envelope and fetch 
>entire message itself.
  Treating it as babble only works if the server was able to parse enough
of the note to send some envelope information back.  I'm not wondering 
the case of a tagged OK with a [PARSE] response, but rather how clients
might react to a tagged NO with a [PARSE] response in response to a FETCH, 
C: x FETCH ...
S: x NO [PARSE] ...
So the FETCH was unable to return anything.  In this case do clients 
revert to "POP mode" and just fetch the entire note and try and deal with 
themselves?  Thanks ... Perry

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