> It sounds like you were using a third-party modified distribution which
> had such support, and when you installed a new system you got a different
> distribution which was closed to the unmodified version.

Actually, it was running qpopper, compiled with the "--enable-trim-domain"

Are there any "official" patches that would allow for this functionality? 


On Monday 12 April 2004 12:54 pm, Mark Crispin wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> > Assuming the ISP is "domain.com" and we have user "bob". Everything works
> > fine if Bob uses the username "bob", but not "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> > Can ipop3d be set to strip the domain, or at least be aware of the domain
> > so that Bob can use either "bob" or "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"?
> Unmodified UW imapd/ipop3d has never supported a username of
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  As distributed, the user name space is that of the
> /etc/passwd file.
> It sounds like you were using a third-party modified distribution which
> had such support, and when you installed a new system you got a different
> distribution which was closed to the unmodified version.
> -- Mark --
> http://staff.washington.edu/mrc
> Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
> Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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