On Mon, 10 May 2004, Ashish Srivastava wrote:
// -- myHomeDir = cpystr (home);
sprintf (tmp, "%s/mail", home);
myHomeDir = cpystr (tmp);
and in sysInbox :
// -- sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", MAILSPOOL, myusername());
sprintf (tmp, "%s/mail/incoming", myhomedir());
sysInbox = cpystr (tmp);

These patches tell imapd that the INBOX is located in
and that this is also where the mail delivery agent (sendmail or whatever) will put your mail.

I doubt that is what you wanted.

If I send an email to a [EMAIL PROTECTED] the
mail is recieved in /var/mail/userID.

If that is the case, then you should not change sysinbox(). sysinbox() is supposed to point to the place where mail is delivered.

If I give
/usr/bin/mail command and save it it creates (if not
already there) mbox and saves the mail (even when I
removed the mbox value in the Makefile).

The IMAP software has nothing to do with the behavior of /usr/bin/mail. If you use /usr/bin/mail, then you should expect that you will get mbox files.

That is why the mbox driver is enabled by default.

It appears to me that you started with many changes, without first getting the software working in its default configuration. Now, you have a very complex and unique configuration that does not work.

I *strongly* recommend that you install all the mail software (not just UW imapd, but everything else) in its default configuration, and get it working in that configuration. After you get it working, then start any work on changes. Do each change incrementally, so you know the effect of the change; and if it doesn't work you can easily identify what is different between a working and non-working configuration.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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