On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 08:03:23 +0200
Miguel Telleria de Esteban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 15:40:28 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
> Mark Crispin wrote:
> > What you're proposing is a concept called "notifications".  This has
> > 
> > proven to be something in which people spend a lot talking about and
> > very little time actually doing.  Currently, there's some talk about
> > 
> > notifications in the Lemonade working group.

After a quick search I have found the "P-IMAP" (Push-IMAP) draft:


        (probably not a canonical place to store it).

I found the document from the following place:


> > 
> > I wrote a prototype implementation of a notification system two
> > years ago. It is quite good enough to do what you suggest, but it
> > seems that the Lemonade folks want something far more featureful
> > (read: complex).
> > 

Indeed P-IMAP seems more complex that the simple notificatin mechanism.

> Is your prototype available somewhere for downloading?

Still interested to take a look at it if possible.



|     (O-O)
 Miguel TELLERIA DE ESTEBAN               Personal Homepage:
 Email: Miguel at mtelleria.com           http://www.mtelleria.com

 Miembro de http://www.linuca.org         Tel home: +32 2 280 1614
 Membre de  http://www.bxlug.be           GSM:      +32 497 038804

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