On Feb 24, Eugenio Tacchini <euge...@favoriti.it> wrote:

> Hello,

First of all, sorry for the long delay: the confirmation request for
your email was eaten by my nazi-like spam filter... :-)

> I created an sql version of imdb using imdbpy2sql.py and just three 
> plain text files: actors, actresses and movies.
> It worked but in the "title" table, all the imdb_id fields are NULL. 
> Is it normal?
> Is imdb_id the id I can see on a imdb uri when showing a movie page?

Exactly, and it's normal if they are all NULL.
On the plain text data files there are no imdbID (the ones - uniques
and never changing - used by the IMDb site).
So, using 'sql', we have to _make up_ some IDs used only by _your_
installation of IMDbPY (next time you'll run imdbpy2sql.py on a
different set of files, they will change).
These IDs are in the 'id' column to tables like 'title' and 'name'
and, as said, are totally unrelated to the ones on the web.

>From time to time, IMDbPY can be used to convert an internally
used ID to the _real_ imdbID for that movie/person/whatever [1].
At that time, IMDbPY queries the web server and - if able to
retrieve the imdbID - stores it in the SQL database so that it
can be retrieved from there, the next times.
As a bonus, when possible, the imdbIDs in the SQL database are
saved and restored, when you re-run the imdbpy2sql.py script.


[1] basically, when you call the ia.get_imdbID(movieOrPersonOr..)
Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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