On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 3:35 AM, Davide Alberani
<davide.alber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 14, Chris Spencer <chriss...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Are the MPAA ratings IMDB distributes as part of
>> mpaa-ratings-reasons.list.gz accessible from IMDBPy through the Movie
>> class?
> Sure, but remember that here we're talking about the plain text
> data files, and so you should specify what 'data access system'
> you're using.
> An example for 'sql':
>  from imdb import IMDb
>  i = IMDb('sql', uri='yourDatabaseURI')
>  matrix = i.search_movie('the matrix (1999)')[0]
>  i.update(matrix)
>  print matrix['mpaa']
> If - instead of 'sql' - you plan to use 'local' (a thing to avoid,
> if possible), remember that you have to first run the included
> 'mpaa4local.py' script (mpaa information aren't handled by the mkdb
> program, for some reason).
> 'http' and 'mobile' works the same way, too.

I'm not using sql, just the default IMDb (which is presumably http?).
For that, your above example generates a keyerror. How would I fix
this for http?


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