On Jul 27, Zachary Borschuk <zachary.borsc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm quite new to python, so this may be a trivial question, but,
> what type does 'person.currentRole' return, it doesn't seem to be
> a string,

You're right, it's not a string/unicode, even if it behaves a
lot like them (for compatibility with a time when it really was a
unicode string).

As documented in README.currentRole [1] can be a Character or a
Person instance.
It can also be an instance of the RolesList class, which behaves
like a normal Python list to handle multiple roles/characters (the only
difference with lists is that the conversion to unicode is prettier),
or it can be None, meaning that there's no role.

> since I receive an error about type when attempting to autoadd it
> as a charfield type.  How can I alter it so that it is a string?

Once you've checked that it's not empty ("if obj.currentRole:" is enough),
you can get a unicode with a simple:
  roleInUnicode = unicode(obj.currentRole)

Notice that I'm talking about unicode and not string, and I assume
you know the difference and how to handle them.  If this is not the
case, see README.utf8 [2] as a brief introduction (there are also
links to reference material about unicode and strings).

Hope this helps - if you've other questions and/or you need some
example (or want to submit a snippet of your code), feel free to ask.

[1] http://imdbpy.sourceforge.net/docs/README.currentRole.txt
[2] http://imdbpy.sourceforge.net/docs/README.utf8.txt
Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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