On Aug 26, Zachary Borschuk <zachary.borsc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was wondering if there was a way to modify imdbp to make it use
> imdbpro when possible

My guess is no, but I don't have a Pro account, so I can't tell
you for sure. :-)

IF the parsers can work on the Pro pages, you can do something
like that:
1. edit the __init__.py file of your IMDbPY installation,
   and change the imdbURL_base variable to something like:
     imdbURL_base = 'http://pro.imdb.com/' # or https?
   after that, it should access pages on that server.
   By the way, we should make this configurable or at least
   "monkey patch"-able. :-)

2. I assume you need to be authenticated using _your_ acount,
   and not with the default "IMDbPYweb" one, used by IMDbPY by default.
   In your ~/.imdbpy.cfg file, set the cookie_id and cookie_uu to
   the values you can read in your web browser.
   You can do the same thing in the code, if you don't want to
   use the configuration file:
     import imdb
     ia = imdb.IMDb('http', cookie_id=..., cookie_uu=...)

Let me know if it works. :-)

> because when scraping tv series, if using regular imdb, it only
> gives you the first role an actor played in the series, while pro
> lists all roles played by the actor in the series.

Wait - is it because the information is completely missing in
the "regular" account, or IMDbPY misses to parse the information?

Can you point me to a ("regular") page with this problem, and
maybe describe what is present in the Pro version?

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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