
Thanks for the great tool!

I was wondering if it is possible to just update the cast list?  It isn't 
available in the objects returned from search_movie, and I can't seem to do an 
imdbobj.update(movieobj, 'cast').
It only seems to be avaliable after an 'imdbobj.update(movieobj)', which grabs 
all of the information.
I was hoping I could speed up my script by just adding the cast information, 
not downloading everything.  Is this possible?

Python 2.6.4 (r264:75708, Oct 26 2009, 08:23:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import imdb
>>> i = imdb.IMDb('http')
>>> l = i.search_movie('U-571')
>>> l[0]
<Movie id:0141926[http] title:_U-571 (2000)_>
>>> l[0]['cast']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "c:\python26\lib\site-packages\imdbpy-4.3-py2.6.egg\imdb\utils.py", line 
1349, in __getitem__
    rawData = self.data[key]
KeyError: 'cast'
>>> i.update(l[0], 'cast')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "c:\python26\lib\site-packages\imdbpy-4.3-py2.6.egg\imdb\__init__.py", 
line 696, in update
    raise IMDbDataAccessError, 'unknown information set "%s"' % i
imdb._exceptions.IMDbDataAccessError: unknown information set "cast"
>>> i.update(l[0])
>>> l[0]['cast']
[<Person id:0000190[http] name:_McConaughey, Matthew_>, <Person 
id:0000200[http] name:_Paxton, Bill_>, <Person id:0000172[http] name:_Keitel, 
Harvey_>, <Person id:0000954[http] name:_Jovi, Jon Bon_>, <Person 
id:0001418[http] name:_Keith, David_>, <Person id:0470981[http] 
name:_Kretschmann, Thomas_>, <Person id:0916617[http] name:_Weber, Jake_>, 
<Person id:0005276[http] name:_Noseworthy, Jack_>, <Person id:0347509[http] 
name:_Guiry, Tom_>, <Person id:0261678[http] name:_Estes, Will_>, <Person 
id:0141333[http] name:_Carson, Terrence 'T.C.'_>, <Person id:0005292[http] 
name:_Palladino, Erik_>, <Person id:0694386[http] name:_Power, Dave_>, <Person 
id:0154934[http] name:_Cheetwood, Derk_>, <Person id:0786136[http] 
name:_Settle, Matthew_>, <Person id:0863473[http] name:_Tilney, Rebecca_>, 
<Person id:0209567[http] name:_De Laurentiis, Carolyna_>, <Person 
id:0209568[http] name:_De Laurentiis, Dina_>, <Person id:0875813[http] 
name:_Tucker, Burnell_>, <Person
 id:0021681[http] name:_Allyn, Rob_>, <Person id:0901175[http] name:_Voigt, 
Carsten_>, <Person id:0944277[http] name:_W├╝rger, Gunter_>, <Person 
id:0831440[http] name:_Stokowski, Oliver_>, <Person id:0458486[http] 
name:_Klawitter, Arnd_>, <Person id:0561031[http] name:_Maurer, Kai_>, <Person 
id:0481602[http] name:_Lahoda, Robert_>, <Person id:0823253[http] name:_Stark, 
Peter_>, <Person id:0715000[http] name:_Redman, Erich_>, <Person 
id:0263210[http] name:_Evans, Sergeant William John_>, <Person id:0039498[http] 
name:_Askwith, Robin_>, <Person id:0939779[http] name:_Wood, Jasper_>, <Person 
id:0321584[http] name:_Glade, Martin_>, <Person id:0652420[http] name:_Osthus, 
Oliver_>, <Person id:0265997[http] name:_Falconer, Corporal John William_>, 
<Person id:0558625[http] name:_Mathews, Corporal Cory Glen_>, <Person 
id:0033940[http] name:_Ardeatini, Valentina_>, <Person id:1437232[http] 
name:_Rees, Norman Campbell_>]

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