thank you for this answer
it helps me

2010/2/18 Davide Alberani <>

> On Feb 17, Sébastien Ragons <> wrote:
> > i try to create a new parser to get the picture of the movie in
> > big format.
> Hi!
> This is a subject more suited for the imdbpy-devel mailing list;
> anyway: see the reply to your other message.
> > I wonder if you have to add a key to the dictionary of the movie
> > to store the datas of the parser.
> No, the keys are added by the parsers: the Movie class doesn't know
> which keys it can/can't store (it knows about some aliases so that
> the user can access some data using more "natural" names, but that's
> all [1])
> > For example how does work DOMHTMLKeywordsParser: It use keywords
> > label but there is no key keywords.
> Beware that the 'label' argument of the Extractor class is here only
> to give a name to the Extractor instance (for debug purposes).
> Once the extractor has selected a DOM subset of the HTML using the 'path'
> argument, it extracts the attributes defined in the 'attrs' argument.
> In this case, the result will be a dictionary where the 'keywords' key
> will be a list ('multi is True') of values fetched using the 'path'
> definition (_this_ path is applied to every DOM selected by the
> 'path' of the Extractor).
> After that, every returned value is post-processed by 'postprocess'.
> Keeping in mind that here I'm going with my memory, the output of
> the parser should be something like:
>  {'data': {'keywords': ['keyword1', 'keyword2', 'keyword3', ...]} }
> The content of the 'data' key is then merged with the current
> content of the Movie (or other object) instance we're working on.
> This is done by the 'update' method of the imdb.IMDb class (this
> class is the superclass of IMDbHTTPAccessSystem and other classes).
> HTH,
> +++
> [1] in fact it also knows which keys can contain _textual_ references to
>    other movies/persons/characters: it's internally used to nicely print
>    these strings, but this is an advanced topic.
> --
> Davide Alberani <> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]
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