On Mar 19, Michael Liu <mikel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So in short, if i understand it all correctly, the IMDB has in
> their own database: the real IMDB id, whether something is adult,
> whether something is on Amazon/Blockbuster.

More or less: the imdbIDs are used only on the site, and
amazon/blockbuster information are not in the plain text data files.
If a movie is for mature viewers, you can guess it searching "Adult"
in their genre, and this can be done in 'sql', too (in fact, using
the do_adult_search method you can exclude adult movies from your
movie searches - if you already have a Movie instance, all you
need is a simple 'Adult' in movie.get('genres') chech)

> However, none of this is shared by them, and the only way to get any
> of them is to use a script to do a title search and scrape the pages?

You don't need to write it: IMDbPY already does everything you need.

Just use something like:
  from imdb import IMDb
  ia = IMDb('http') # or 'mobile' for a faster but less complete parser.
  ... here you do your searches and you fetch movies, persons, ...

In the example above, the movieIDs you'll use will be _the_ imdbIDs;
no need to mention that now you're NOT accessing your local database. :-)

There can be a little mess if you start mixing information from the
web with info from the sql database, but that's all.

Oh, by the way, information about products on Amazon can also be
found in 'sales' and 'dvd' info sets, I think (see README.package,
section 'INFORMATION SETS') and maybe other pages, I don't recall
for sure.

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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