you've probably noticed the latest IMDb's redesign.
So far it involves mostly the main pages for movies and persons,
but I assume other pages will change in the near future.

A temporary solution is in place, and the IMDbPYweb account points
to the old version of the movies' page - but this won't last: the only
solution is to be up-to-date with their changes.
Moreover, the main page for persons is already broken.

Now, the problem: I don't really have any time to do it; sure, in
the next weeks I can try to fix the main parsers, but there are
too many other parsers (most of them will not be that hard to fix,
but it will require a little time).
The same applies to the 'mobile' parsers.

So... is anyone out there willing to help and be in charge of
one or more parsers?

They can be found in the imdbpy/imdb/parser/http directory (don't
be scared by the main ones: most of them are short and simple).
The 'http' parsers, mostly developed H. Turgut Uyar and me, are
quite powerful and it should be not too difficult to understand
(see the DOMParserBase class in imdbpy/imdb/parser/http/utils.py)
and I'd gladly answer to any question about how they work (they
are based on DOM access via XPath).
The 'mobile' parsers are more "classical", being based on
regexp and string manipulation.

More info about the redesign (you need to be registered):

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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