Hi there -

The code I'm executing is running in Tornado as:

class HomeHandler(BaseHandler):
        def get(self):
                        ia = imdb.IMDb()
                except Exception, e:
                        print repr(traceback.format_stack())

and the stack trace is ...

['  File 
 line 71, in <module>\n    run_file(__file__, globals())\n', '  File 
 line 67, in run_file\n    execfile(script_path, globals_)\n', '  File 
 line 525, in <module>\n    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))\n', '  File 
 line 510, in main\n    http_server.serve_forever()\n', '  File 
 line 3953, in serve_forever\n    self.handle_request()\n', '  File 
 line 3919, in handle_request\n    self._handle_request_noblock()\n', '  File 
 line 281, in _handle_request_noblock\n    self.process_request(request, 
client_address)\n', '  File 
 line 307, in process_request\n    self.finish_request(request, 
client_address)\n', '  File 
 line 320, in finish_request\n    self.RequestHandlerClass(request, 
client_address, self)\n', '  File 
 line 3123, in __init__\n    
BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)\n', '  
 line 615, in __init__\n    self.handle()\n', '  File 
 line 329, in handle\n    self.handle_one_request()\n', '  File 
 line 323, in handle_one_request\n    method()\n', '  File 
 line 3131, in do_GET\n    self._HandleRequest()\n', '  File 
 line 3245, in _HandleRequest\n    self._Dispatch(dispatcher, self.rfile, 
outfile, env_dict)\n', '  File 
 line 3186, in _Dispatch\n    base_env_dict=env_dict)\n', '  File 
 line 531, in Dispatch\n    base_env_dict=base_env_dict)\n', '  File 
 line 2410, in Dispatch\n    self._module_dict)\n', '  File 
 line 2320, in ExecuteCGI\n    reset_modules = exec_script(handler_path, 
cgi_path, hook)\n', '  File 
 line 2216, in ExecuteOrImportScript\n    exec module_code in 
script_module.__dict__\n', '  File 
"/Users/ron/Dropbox/code/cinemaApp/cinema.py", line 162, in <module>\n    
main()\n', '  File "/Users/ron/Dropbox/code/cinemaApp/cinema.py", line 158, in 
main\n    wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application)\n', '  File 
 line 93, in run\n    self.result = application(self.environ, 
self.start_response)\n', '  File 
"/Users/ron/Dropbox/code/tornado/demos/appengine/tornado/wsgi.py", line 77, in 
__call__\n    handler = web.Application.__call__(self, 
HTTPRequest(environ))\n', '  File 
"/Users/ron/Dropbox/code/cinemaApp/tornado/web.py", line 1173, in __call__\n    
handler._execute(transforms, *args, **kwargs)\n', '  File 
"/Users/ron/Dropbox/code/cinemaApp/tornado/web.py", line 830, in _execute\n    
getattr(self, self.request.method.lower())(*args, **kwargs)\n', '  File 
"/Users/ron/Dropbox/code/cinemaApp/cinema.py", line 68, in get\n    print 
The call to render home.html works fine without the call to IMDb()


On 12 Feb 2011, at 18:47, Davide Alberani wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Ronald Hatcher <ronaldhatc...@mac.com> wrote:
>> I'm trying to use the library in a Google Appengine application by using a 
>> symlink to the imdb directory in my application code and I'm getting a 
>> "local variable 'logging' referenced before assignment" exception when I 
>> call ia = IMDb()
>> Do I need to add other dependent libraries or am I just doing this 
>> completely wrong?
> Can you provide the complete traceback?
> Anyway, I've never tried to use IMDbPY in GAE, but from what I've heard
> it should work.
> It's possible that there's a bug in the use of the logging facility, but I 
> need
> to read the traceback to spot the problem.
> By the way, you can try to import the logging module just before the above
> line, and see what happens (I don't remember if the 'logging' module
> provided in GAE is the system one, or a Google replacement).
> HTH,
> -- 
> Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com>  [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]
> http://www.mimante.net/

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