On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 16:12, Gustaf Nilsson <gus...@laserpanda.com> wrote:
> Thanks, yeah i was gonna make a little script that figured out the average
> rating of everybody in the office and see who wins ;)

Ahaha, great idea. :D

> Still cant get it to work tho. I updated to the latest version and then did
> this:

Sigh... this seems to be related to the beautifulsoup parser. :(
It's a serious bug, since IMDbPY is supposed to work fine
even in a pure python environment, but I fear I don't have
time to fix it.

Try installing python-lxml, and you should be using the
lxml parsers, instead of beautifulsoup.

Let me know if it works.

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com>  [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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