On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 09:38, Frederik Vaassen
<frederik.vaas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Brand new. I even had to install mysql (as well as SQLObject and
> mysql-python) since I'd never used it before :) I tried dropping and
> re-creating the database, but that doesn't seem to have helped.

I'm really puzzled... :-)
I'm unable to reproduce it.

Is it possible that you have a package of python-imdbpy installed
by your distribution?  (if it's so, try removing it and using the version
from the repository).

Maybe you can look at how the table was created.
>From the command line:
  mysql -u USERNAME -p imdb

and then:
  DESC aka_title;

You should see a 'md5sum' field...

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com>  [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
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