I was trying to load imdb data to mysql database using IMDBPY 5.1.
But I always encounter the following issues in the end. I need to have the
complete primary key + foreign key constraints in the schema. Could you
please give me some hints about what I might have done wrong?

    building database indexes (this may take a while)
    # TIME createIndexes() : 38min, 6sec (wall) 0min, 0sec (user) 0min,
0sec (system)
    adding foreign keys (this may take a while)
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_d`, CONSTRAINT
`title_episode_of_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`episode_of_id`) REFERENCES
`title` (`id`))
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_e`, CONSTRAINT
`aka_title_movie_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`movie_id`) REFERENCES `title`
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_e`, CONSTRAINT
`cast_info_movie_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`movie_id`) REFERENCES `title`
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_e`, CONSTRAINT
`complete_cast_movie_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`movie_id`) REFERENCES `title`
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_e`, CONSTRAINT
`movie_keyword_movie_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`movie_id`) REFERENCES `title`
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_e`, CONSTRAINT
`movie_link_movie_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`movie_id`) REFERENCES `title`
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_e`, CONSTRAINT
`movie_info_movie_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`movie_id`) REFERENCES `title`
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_e`, CONSTRAINT
`movie_info_idx_movie_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`movie_id`) REFERENCES
`title` (`id`))
    ERROR caught exception creating a foreign key: Cannot add or update a
child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`imdb`.`#sql-65bf_e`, CONSTRAINT
`movie_companies_movie_id_exists` FOREIGN KEY (`movie_id`) REFERENCES
`title` (`id`))
    # TIME createForeignKeys() : 655min, 16sec (wall) 0min, 0sec (user)
0min, 0sec (system)
    RESTORING imdbIDs values for movies... WARNING: unable to restore
imdbIDs using the temporary table (falling back to dbm): missing
"title_extract" table (ok if this is the first run)
    WARNING: unable to restore imdbIDs (ok if this is the first run)
    RESTORING imdbIDs values for people... WARNING: unable to restore
imdbIDs using the temporary table (falling back to dbm): missing
"name_extract" table (ok if this is the first run)
    WARNING: unable to restore imdbIDs (ok if this is the first run)
    RESTORING imdbIDs values for characters... WARNING: unable to restore
imdbIDs using the temporary table (falling back to dbm): missing
"char_name_extract" table (ok if this is the first run)
    WARNING: unable to restore imdbIDs (ok if this is the first run)
    RESTORING imdbIDs values for companies... WARNING: unable to restore
imdbIDs using the temporary table (falling back to dbm): missing
"company_name_extract" table (ok if this is the first run)
    WARNING: unable to restore imdbIDs (ok if this is the first run)

The commands I used are as follows

1) Install all the required packages.

    sudo apt-get install -y gcc python python-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev
libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev python-setuptools python-pip
    easy_install -U SQLObject
    pip install MySQL-python

2) Install IMDBPY.

    cd [IMDBPY_parent_directory]
    wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/imdbpy/IMDbPY-5.1.tar.gz
    tar -xzf IMDbPY-5.1.tar.gz
    cd IMDbPY-5.1
    python setup.py install

3) In mysql, create a database "imdb", and grant all privileges to "user"
with password "password".

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON imdb.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY

4) Download all IMDB data.

    mkdir [imdb_data_directory]
    cd [imdb_data_directory]
    wget -r --accept="*.gz" --no-directories --no-host-directories --level
1 ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/misc/movies/database/

5) Load IMDB data to mysql.

    cd [IMDBPY_parent_directory]/IMDbPY-5.1/bin
    python imdbpy2sql.py -d [imdb_data_directory]

My settings are:

 - python: 2.7
 - Mysql: 5.7
 - Ubuntu 16.04

I also tried on macOS 10.12 + mysql 5.7 + python 2.7 and had the same issue.



Zhongjun(Mark) Jin
Computer Science and Engineering Dept
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Email: markjin@umich,edu*,* markjin1...@gmail.com
Personal Website: https://markjin1990.github.io/
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