Somebody who's done per-user modification to IMgate give us the big picture:

how does the user override the admin's per-MX policies?

how many users, having said they want/need per-user policies, actually 
spend any time futzing with their personal policies?  And do these probably 
small number per-user adopters justify the implementing the per-user 
logistics on the MX of a bunch of additional programs to install AND 
maintain (perl mods and apps, apache, php mods and apps, etc, etc)

Do you remove per-MX policies and let the user fight his own spams battles?

does it scale to 25K users doing web access to the MX to play with their 
policies, and the MX scanning a 25K user policy database for all incoming 

btw, I personally don't believe in per-user policy mgmt, so I won't be 
adding per-user stuff to IMGate basic or advanced.

AK, I think you're on the wrong track if you think per-user is the best way 
to improve spam blocking, since you are still running a quite basic IMGate.

Apart from the probably few follow ups in this thread, discussing per-user 
MX is not part of IMGate so a discussion of how/why is better done on other 
lists, please.


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