>here's a traffic for yesterday:
>Postfix log summaries for Dec  7
>Grand Totals
>   381239   received
>   405586   delivered
>        0   forwarded
>       11   deferred  (137  deferrals)
>       18   bounced
>   312200   rejected (43%)

The low reject %age is specific to this MX, where the client had invested 
in developping admin/reporting/mgmt backend apps around 
imail/declude/sniffer on Imail and that hasn't been moved to IMGate, 
yet.  IMGate is used primarily to reject unknown recipients, and a few 
dangerous attachments, but none of the other usual IMGate filters.  Looking 
at the msgs that this IMGate allows through, I expect it would reject 80+% 
with full IMGate advanced filtering, like a lot of other IMGates.

The point is that accepting and relaying msgs is much heavier than just 
rejecting after RCPT TO:, and the "delivered" volume per day and per hour 
shows what that particular hardware is doing easily.

If the machine were running full filtering the rejects would be way up, the 
"delivered" would be way down, and so would the machine load.


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