
We have a virus issue last night that filled up our /var directory with =
deferred mail. I ended up manually removing all deferred, active, etc mail =
from the /var/spool directory.

However, I caused a couple issues:
1. I movde the maillog to a different partition and now that postfix is =
running, I have no maillog in the /var/log directory. It did not get =
recreated.  How do I get that back?

2. When I issue the postfix start command, I get these errors:
postfix/postfix-script: warning: not set-gid or not owner+group+world =
executable: /usr/sbin/postqueue
postfix/postfix-script: warning: not set-gid or not owner+group+world =
executable: /usr/sbin/postdrop

when I do the ls -la /sur/sbin/postqueue it lists x on the uid.

I'm currently running on RH 7.1.

thanks, bob

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