Zitat von Kevin Konowalec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Andy!
On Nov 5, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Andrew Morgan wrote:
On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, Kevin Konowalec wrote:
We've got imp set up with permissions to restrict the max
recipients per message and max recipients per time period. But
I'm not seeing a way to change what the consequence of that is...
is there someplace we can change the banning period, for example,
from 24 hours to 1 hour or 48 hours or something like that?
It doesn't work like a password lockout mechanism does. When IMP
goes to send a message, it does a SELECT on the imp_sentmail table
in your database to find out how many messages/recipients there
were in the last X hours for your user. If there are more than the
max recipients limit, sending is denied. So think of it like a
sliding window.
Right! What we want (or what I'm being asked about) is being able
to arbitrarily change X, thereby shrinking or expanding the window.
You set X in the IMP configuration.
Also, is there a mechanism in place where the admin can be emailed
when someone gets into this trap?
Not that I've seen, but it is pretty trivial to script that.
The way we did it in previous versions was to hack the source and
spew a message to the logs (which then got picked up by syslog-ng)
when a user hit their limit. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do
Here is a perl script I use to show "heavy" users:
Thanks! I'll give that a try!
There is also a hook that can be called instead of the default
behavior when such a limit is hit. In such a hook you could log
something, send an email or what not, and then still trigger the
default behavior.
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