gimili a écrit :
> Ariel VIVES wrote:
>> gimili a écrit :
>>> M. Rodrigo Monteiro wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 05:27, <> wrote:
>>>>> Zitat von ANANT S ATHAVALE <>:
>>>>> Works fine here. Be sure to set the "shared" Adressbook as searchable
>>>>> in the
>>>>> webmail settings for the user in question.
>>>> In the horde/turba/config/prefs.php
>>>> $_prefs['addressbooks'] = array(
>>>>     //'value' => '',
>>>>     'value' => "localsql\nothersql",
>>>>     'locked' => false,
>>>>     //'shared' => false,
>>>>     'shared' => true,
>>>>     'type' => 'implicit',
>>>> );
>>>> Is it?
>>> I think the shared book has to be in a separate mysql table and
>>> specified separately in sources.php for the above to work in prefs.php. 
>>> If both books are in the same mysql table with the use_shares set in
>>> sources.php you need to set both books as search able for each user in
>>> the web interface as mentioned by Anant.  You can lookup the number for
>>> the shared book in the table and put it in the prefs.php but the number
>>> for each users personal book is different so it won't work there.  For
>>> example I have 'value' => "36c6ce6ed28fbce9a25201789599be91" so that
>>> when a new user logs in the autocomplete gets the info from my shared
>>> book.  Please correct me if I am wrong.
>> Hi all,
>> I've got the same problem (trying to have autocomplete working for all
>> users) but with a personal adress book (mysql) and a shared adress book
>> (ldap).
>> here is my config :
>> in prefs.php :
>> $_prefs['addressbooks'] = array(
>>     'value' => "localldap\nlocalsql",
>>     //'locked' => false,
>>     'locked' => true,
>>     //'shared' => false,
>>     'shared' => true,
>>     'type' => 'implicit',
>> );
>> doesn't work with locked false or true
>> doesn't work with shared false or true
>> in sources.php :
>> for the ldap adress book, I've tried with use_shares => false.
>> doesn't work.
>> with true, doesn't work too.
>> but, when I'm loggued as a user, when I go in "Options", then "Address
>> Book", then "Address Books" and I put "Shared Directory" in "Choose
>> which address books to display, and in what order", it works...
>> thaht is this option that I want to activate for all the users, but
>> don't find where...
> Do you know how to lookup that user's settings that work in the mysql
> table?  Could you post that info.  

I don't know where to find it but if you tell me, i will post it.

> If you get that info and then put it
> in prefs.php it might work.  I would have thought that it would have
> worked with different sources and use_shares =>false.  BTW:  I think
> that when testing you have to use a new user that has never had that set
> before so that they get the settings from prefs.php.

thanks for this good idea, I know now that my global config seems quite

I've tried with a new user, with no personal prefs.
it works.

here my currently config working with no prefs for a user :
1) imp/prefs.php

// default search field
$_prefs['default_search'] = array(
    'value' => '',
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit');

2) turba/prefs.php
$_prefs['addressbooks'] = array(
    'value' => "localldap\nlocalsql",
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => true,
    'type' => 'implicit',

3) turba/sources.php
the of the config for the ldap :
    'public' => true,
    'readonly' => true,
    'admin' => array(),
    'export' => true,
     'browse' => true,
nothing for use_share (true or false not set, so using default)

So here we are :
- the global config enables the autocompletion if a user has no personal
- if a user has personal prefs, I can't overwrite it

so, is it possible to force global config istead of personal config for
the autocompletion ?


Ariel VIVES                      /\  École des Ponts ParisTech - DSI -
email:      /__\ Bur P407.   6-8 Av. Blaise Pascal
tel  : 33 (0)     /\  /\  Cite Descartes - Champs / Marne
url  : /__\/__\   77455 Marne la Vallee Cedex 2

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