Citeren Michael M Slusarz <>:

Quoting Arjen de Korte <>:

Citeren Michael M Slusarz <>:

Quoting Arjen de Korte <>:

Citeren Simon Brereton <>:

Looking at your original message, it's actually the From envelope address that appears to be broken. Which is set via your identities. Which means your identity contains an invalid e-mail address. Delete your identity and

I just tried this and I get a 5.7.1 Bad syntax error from the mail server.

Same here. It is rejected because of a malformed MAIL FROM address:

postfix/smtpd[25829]: warning: proxy rejected "MAIL FROM:<Arjen de Korte <>>": "501 5.5.2 Syntax: MAIL FROM:<address>"

For SMTP, the FROM address is obtained from the Return-Path address. This address is generated from the identity. And this works fine for me.

The only thing I can think of is that your default e-mail address for the default identity is *NOT* a bare e-mail address. It can't contain personal information.

This indeed seems to be the problem. If I empty the field 'Your full name:' in

    Global Preferences -> Personal Information

redirecting messages works. But if this field is not empty, it fails.

This is not correct.  I have a full name defined and this works fine.

If I have a full name defined, redirect is clearly broken.

The problem would be if your "default e-mail field" contains something other than a bare address. I.e. this field can *NOT* be "Foo <>" (the current code won't let you enter this as a value).

It isn't. The default e-mail field contains just the following

There is nothing else in it. As I wrote before, only if I clear out the full name part (without touching the e-mail address) redirecting works.

I have logged the output from line 2056 in imp/lib/Compose.php

    $from_addr = $identity->getFromAddress();

and the $from_addr clear contains *both* the personal part *and* the defailt e-mail address. This is wrong here, since it should clearly only contain the e-mail address.

I ended up using

    $from_addr = $identity->getFromAddress()->base_address;

instead of the above line, since that is the only part we really need.

Which makes sense: the personal part of the e-mail address should be built from the Full name field.

Sure, that's exactly what I have in my configuration (do you want me to send screendumps to convince you?) But for whatever reason, getFromAddress() outputs both the personal part *and* the e-mail address.

The lines 169-171 in imp/Prefs/Identity.php seem to be the culprit here:

    if (is_null($ob->personal)) {
        $ob->personal = $this->getFullname($ident);

Line 170 is adding the personal part here. But that is not what we need in the $from_addr, this should only contain the e-mail address.

Best regards, Arjen

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