Hello Michael,

Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <[hidden email]>
Quoting "Jens-U. Mozdzen" <[hidden email]>:

Hi all,

due to reasons currently beyond our control, an AJAX call used to
upload an attachment is aborted by the web server.

When using Firebug to watch the network requests, I see it report
that the request was aborted.

Unfortunately, the (dynamic view) message compose window still shows
the "uploading attachment" message and I have no way to retry that
(or any other) upload. Other UI elements do work, I can edit the
message content etc. and even delete already attached uploads. But
new uploads are "blocked" by that status message.

Shouldn't the JS AJAX code catch that condition (abort of AJAX call)
and reset the UI status so I can select to upload again?

Fixed in IMP 6.1.5.


after having updated to the PEAR 6.1.5 version of IMP, we still see the exact behavior as reported.

When looking at the AJAX request via Firebug, it shows the status as "Aborted" and a return size of 0 bytes (https://ourserver/horde/services/ajax.php/imp/addAttachment) almost immediately after the request is issued (100ms - the call traverses a proxy chain plus an Internet connection).

Seems like this result (AJAX aborted) is somehow not caught? I've tried to look through the Javascript code, it seems that "uploadAttachmentAjax:function(data,params,callback)" hands the call to a Horde core function, where I had to abort debugging for now as I am running out of time. A quick fix for you, or should I dive into then when time permits?


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